Transforming Global Visions Into Reality

Corporate Establishment Services in Japan

Nakano Central Judicial Scrivener Office

Service Features

Japanese Legal System Support

We provide expert guidance for navigating Japanese laws, including entity selection, drafting articles of incorporation, and handling registration procedures.

Multilingual Support

We can assist in facilitating a smooth corporate establishment by effectively communicating in your preferred language (English, Chinese, or Japanese), minimizing misunderstandings.

Personalized Solutions

We are dedicated to delivering customized strategies designed to meet our clients' specific requirements.

Incorporation Registration Process

Incorporation Registration Process


Initial Consultation

We assess your business goals and visions to determine the most suitable legal entity type.


Document Preparation

We offer a comprehensive list of necessary documents and assist you in the preparation process.


Signing of Relevant Documents

We send the necessary documents for your signature via international mail.


Capital Preparation

Overseas remittance may be required.


Articles of Association Certification and Registration Application


Mailing of Completed Documents

Once the corporate establishment process is completed, we will mail you the final documents.



Costs may vary based on company structure and location of residence. We will suggest the most appropriate fees that meet your requirements.

Contact Methods

We offer communication services via email and LINE in English, Japanese, and Chinese, based on your preference. Our goal is to prioritize your convenience and ensure efficient and transparent communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What documents are required for incorporating a company?

You will need identification documents and a seal certificate (inkan shomeisho) for company incorporation. If you do not have an address in Japan, additional documents, such as a signature certificate (shomei shomeisho), may be mandatory. We would be more than happy to provide you with samples. Please feel free to consult with us on this matter.

How long does it take from request to completion?

The duration may vary depending on the preparation of the necessary documents and the arrangements for international mail. It is recommended to allocate sufficient time for the process, particularly when international mail is involved, as unforeseen delays may occur.

What regulations apply to transferring capital from overseas?

Capital transfers are subject to international regulations. The intended recipient of the capital transfer must be a bank in Japan or an overseas bank with branches in Japan.

If you do not have an account with the designated bank, you may proceed with the process through collaborators in Japan.

Please do not hesitate to consult with us for any further details or inquiries.

Can you assist with obtaining a VISA and tax filing?

While obtaining a VISA and tax filing fall outside the scope of a judicial scrivener's duties, we can refer you to trustworthy professionals well-versed in these tasks (administrative scriveners, tax accountants). Collaboration allows for seamless progress in procedures.

We provide tailored support to meet your needs.

Successful Cases

Successful Cases

Successful Corporate Establishment Cases in Japan from Overseas


Establishment of an Engineering Company by a Foreign Engineer

An engineer from Southeast Asia established a company in Japan to leverage their specialized skills. Through a collaborative effort with a judicial scrivener, they were able to complete necessary tasks such as visa acquisition and company incorporation and are now on their way to expanding their business operations.


Establishment by a Chinese Entrepreneur Residing in Japan

A Chinese business owner established a restaurant in Japan, and we provided comprehensive support services throughout the entire process, from company incorporation to successful operation.

Post-Incorporation Support

Post-Incorporation Support

Our firm is committed to supporting various corporate registrations, such as changes in directors, relocation of head office, and increase in registered capital, even after incorporation.
We ensure ongoing assistance with the necessary legal procedures as your business evolves and grows.

We are committed to providing you with the best possible support to help you achieve your dreams.
Please feel free to contact us anytime for consultation or inquiries.

Nakano Central Judicial Scrivener Office

Representative: Riri Adachi

As a judicial scrivener, I have supported numerous entrepreneurs since 2014, focusing on clients in their 20s to 40s, sole proprietors, and foreign entrepreneurs. My expertise and strength lie in assisting clients with the initial steps towards turning their entrepreneurial aspirations into reality. In addition, I collaborate closely with tax accountants and administrative scriveners to provide a comprehensive service to my clients.